Skew braces and the YBE
December 12
Be’eri Greenfeld
Local smallness and global largeness: a quantitative approach
The Kurosh Problem asks whether a finitely generated algebraic algebra can be infinite-dimensional. This is the algebraic counterpart of the Burnside Problem, which asks whether a finitely generated periodic group can be infinite. We examine these problems from modern perspectives, including quantitative asymptotics, complexity of words, free subobjects and randomization.
The slides are here.
November 21
Davide Ferri
The Other Yang-Baxter Equation: From sets to quivers and back again
I will give a short introduction to the quiver-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation, and how it is related to the dynamical Yang-Baxter equation. The central part of the talk contains some combinatorial results. Finally, I will present the quiver-theoretic analogue of skew braces, explain how it relates to the theory of heaps, and discuss a classification program.
The slides are here.
November 7
Charlotte Roelants
Killing Forms on Finite Groups
Killing forms are bilinear forms most well-known in the context of Lie algebras. Applying them to certain Lie algebras based on finite groups yields an expression in terms of centralizers in the group. We cover some problems concerning the non-degeneracy of these forms and study the case of the finite simple groups PSL(2,q).
The slides are here.
March 22
Manoj Yadav
Automorphisms of extensions of skew braces and connections with cohomology
Extensions of braces and skew braces have recently been developed and studied by many mathematicians, (co)homology theory has been introduced and extensions have been related to the second cohomology group (analogous to these concepts in group theory). C. Wells invented an exact sequence connecting automorphisms of group extensions with second cohomology group. Analogous study has been carried out for skew braces. In this talk I’ll speak on these aspects of skew braces.
March 6
Jonas Deré
Simply transitive NIL-affine actions of solvable Lie groups
Although not every 1-connected solvable Lie group G admits a simply transitive action via affine maps on R^n, it is known that such an action exists if one replaces R^n by a suitable nilpotent Lie group H, depending on G. However, not much is known about which pairs of Lie groups (G,H) admit such an action, where ideally you only need information about the Lie algebras corresponding to G and H. The most-studied case is when G is assumed to be nilpotent, then the existence of a simply transitive action is related to the notion of complete post-Lie algebra structures. In recent work with Marcos Origlia, we showed how this problem is related to the semisimple splitting of the Lie algebra corresponding to G. Our characterization not only allows us to check whether a given action is simply transitive, but also whether a simply transitive action exists given the Lie groups G and H. As a consequence, we show that every simply transitive action induces a post-Lie algebra structure, and characterize the ones in nilpotency class 2 coming from such an action by giving a new definition of completeness.