Leandro Vendramin

Personal homepage

Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Data Science
Pleinlaan 2, B-1050
Brussels, Belgium

(+32) 2 629 3493

Email: Leandro.Vendramin@vub.be

Brief CV, CV, arXiv, MathSciNet, zbMATH, Google Scholar, ORCID, Scopus


Click here for my list of publications.

Accepted for publication

My software is here.


Lecture notes

My courses are here.


For a list of my PhD students and postdocs, click here. If you’re looking for a topic for your Master’s thesis, click here, or if you’re a Bachelor’s student, click here.

Click here for my research group at the VUB.


Here is the list of grants obtained by my research group.

Editorial work



Personal homepages and coauthors

Emiliano Acri, Ögzür Akgün, Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Iván Angiono, David Bachiler, Bart Bogaerts, Tomasz Brzezinski, Nigel Byott, Giovanna Carnovale, Ferran Cedó, Edwin Clark, Ilaria Colazzo, Carsten Dietzel, Anastasia Doikou, Jingcheng Dong, Fernando Fantino, César Galindo, Agustín García Iglesias, Gastón García, Marino Gran, Matías Graña, István Heckenberger, Geoffrey Janssens, Eric Jespers, Olexandr Konovalov, Lukasz Kubat, Victoria Lebed, Thomas Letourmy, Andreas Lochmann, Rafał Lutowski, Ehud Meir, Paula Menchón, Sonia Natale, Ariel Pacetti, Kevin Piterman, Wolfgang Rump, Masahico Saito, Agata Smoktunowicz, Arne Van Antwerpen, Daimy Van Caudenberg, Robert Weston.