- 2024-2027. FWO Senior Grant (G004124N). Skew braces and applications (L. Vendramin). €310K.
- 2023-2026. FWO & CNRS: International Emerging Actions (IEA) project 328226 (V. Lebed and L. Vendramin). €12000.
- 2021-2025. OZR3762: Algebraic structures associated with the Yang-Baxter equation (L. Vendramin). €100K.
Funding obtained for PhD candidates
- 2024-2025. China Scholarship Council. Supervisor of Yufei Qin.
- 2023-2027. FWO Predoc Grant (11PIO24N). Supervisor of Silvia Properzi.
- 2021-2025. FWO Predoc Grant (1160522N). Supervisor of Senne Trappeniers.
- 2023-2024. OZR4014 (VUB Backup Mandate): Supervisor of Silvia Properzi.
Funding obtained for postdocs
- 2025-2027. NAWA Bekker Fellowship (BPN/BEK/2024/1/00311). Supervisor of Magdalena Wiertel.
- 2024-2027. FWO PostDoc Grant (1244625N). Supervisor of Carsten Dietzel.
- 2021-2023. FWO PostDoc Grant (1229724N). Supervisor of Arne Van Antwerpen.
- 2022-2024. FWO Postdoc Grant (12K1223N). Supervisor of Kevin Piterman.
- 2022-2024. Feodor Lynen Research Postdoctoral Fellowship. Supervisor of Carsten Dietzel.
Funding obtained for visitors
- 2024: Be’eri Greenfeld, Scientific Stay in Flanders (V507824N), from 24/11 to 05/1.
- 2023: Ilaria Colazzo, Scientific Stay in Flanders (V512223N), from 9/11 to 17/12.
Funding obtained for organizing conferences
- 2025: Conference on Hopf algebras, quantum groups, monoidal categories and related structures.
- Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (K701825N): €4500.
- Hooverfond VUB: €2000.
- 2025: GAP Days Spring 2025. VUB Doctoral School: €750.
- 2023, 2024, 2025: London Mathematical Society Scheme 3: The Interplay Between Skew Braces and Hopf-Galois Theory. Organizers: I. Colazzo, P. Truman, L. Vendramin. £1500 per year.
- 2023: Groups, rings and the Yang-Baxter equation, Blankenberge, Belgium. Organizers: I. Colazzo, A. Van Antwerpen, L. Vendramin.
- Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek – Vlaanderen (K700923N). €5000.
- Foundation Compositio Mathematica. €5000.
- VUB Doctoral School: €750.